Hello. This is MeeNii, a Japanese specialty bookstore.
Thank you for your interest in my “Ramen Odyssey in Tokyo” and “Top 13 Tourist Attractions in Japan”.
Meanwhile, quotes from around the world transcend time and space to convey the wisdom of humanity. This book translates them into Japanese, with the hope of sharing their wisdom and insights with readers who are learning Japanese. Quotations are more than just intellectual statements; they can help us through life’s challenges and make important decisions. These quotes come from a variety of backgrounds, from ancient philosophers to modern thinkers.
When you’re feeling down and out, we’ve compiled a list of 44 celebrity quotes that will help you pick yourself up and get back on your feet. Mix them into your conversations with Japanese people and you’re sure to have a great time.
We hope this book will light a small spark in your heart and help you along your path in life. May each and every quote have a positive impact on your life.
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