25 Hidden Delicacies Only Enjoyed by Japanese Locals_Paper Back

                                                                          Color Book



Hello. I’m Hyunwoong Seo from Mini, a bookstore specializing in Japanese books. After publishing ⁌Ramen Odyssey in Tokyo⁍ last year, it’s nice to be back talking about food after a long time. It’s hard not to feel a little disappointed that we’re only talking about ramen.

So, this time, we’ve selected a selection of delicacies that give you a taste of the local colors of Japan. As you may know, Japanese food is often simple, so it doesn’t have the variety of flavors that we have in Korea, but I think it will be useful for you to know about it.

Whether you’re a foodie who loves Japan’s gourmet cuisine or a traveler who wants to explore new flavors, we hope this book will inspire you to deepen your appreciation for Japanese food. Once you know the flavors of a region, you’ll feel more comfortable with its people and culture. Now, let’s go on a culinary journey across the country.

Our homepage: https://meenii.net      e-Mail: [email protected]

Thank you.


As I was writing                             4

  1. 【北海道・Hokkaido】Jingisukan      7

  2. 【札幌・Sapporo】Soup Curry 11

  3. 【秋田県・Akita】Kiritanpo 14

  4. 【岩手県・Iwate】Morioka Cold Noodles 18

  5. 【青森県・Aomori】Senbei Jiru 21

  6. 【山形県・Yamagata】Yonezawa Beef 24

  7. 【宮城県・Miyagi】Beef Tongue 27

  8. 【福島県・Fukushima】Kitakata Ramen 31

  9. 【東京・Tokyo】Fukagawa Rice 35

  10. 【神奈川県・Kanagawa】Baby Anchovies 38

  11. 【千葉県・Chiba】Namero             42

  12. 【群馬県・Gunma】Himokawa Udon 46

  13. 【栃木県・Tochigi】Utsunomiya Gyoza 50

  14. 【新潟県・Niigata】 Nodoguro      54

  15. 【静岡県・Shizuoka】 Unagi Donburi 58

  16. 【山梨県・Yamanashi】 Hoto 62

  17. 【岐阜県・Gifu】 Hida Beef 66

  18. 【石川県・Ishikawa】 Noto-don 70

  19. 【福井県・Fukui】 Echizen Soba 73

  20. 【富山県・Toyama】 Masu-zushi 77

  21. 【愛知県・Aichi】 Tebasaki 81

  22. 【滋賀県・Shiga】 Omi Beef 85

  23. 【京都・Kyoto】 Obanzai 89

  24. 【大阪・Osaka】 Kushikatsu 93

  25. 【三重県・Mie】 Dekone Zushi  97

All rights reserved                           101


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